Company IBCON
IBCON is one of the first Russian companies that have fully transferred projects management to the digital and implements Digital EPCm concept. This concept unites information environment in the following spheres: network scheduling, construction supervision, finance, cost estimates, design and detailed design documents, tasks and instructions for all project involved parties, BIM models, reports, procurement and logistics.
The company manages construction and reconstruction of industrial and residential facilities since 2005.
80% of IBCON employees are construction workers. Also, the company has more than 120 qualified construction engineers with relevant competence, knowledge and experience.
IBCON is a collaboration of IT and professional construction engineers. The company finds proper IT solutions and also adapts them to every project. Also, they train clients how to use the solutions.
With the analytics methods and data systematization IBCON has developed a unique system of project efficiency metrics and standardized all processes within implementation of a construction project that helps to reduce the overall project schedule by 10% and more.
The company collects information about the project in easy-to-view infographics available online 24/7 via smartphone.